With solar energy, you are able to provide power in your home with solar panels that utilise energy from the sun's UV rays. This helps reduce your reliance on local power companies and instead have a more eco-friendly and natural way of supplying your home with energy. Here are some different ways to use solar energy in the home.
Heat Your Swimming Pool
An excellent way to utilise solar power in the home is to heat a swimming pool.
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Common Grease Trap Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid
All restaurants, diners, and establishments that cook food will have a grease trap; it's usually required by law, as is cleaning it out on a regular basis. This trap catches solid waste so that it doesn't go down the city sewer system and potentially clog pipes and other outlets, and contaminate any water in that system. A restaurant owner may assume that they can clean this trap out themselves as needed, and it may be legally allowed in your area.
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Tips to maintaining clean, clog-free stormwater pits and drains
Stormwater pollution is both a public health and environmental issue. Storm drains are designed with grids that prevent large debris from entering the sewer system. The bars, however, are wide enough to let water pass through, and a majority of objects may fall in including trash and animal waste that is left on the ground. This carries harmful disease-spreading bacteria that put you and your family at risk. Stormwater pits and drains can also become clogged with debris over time, such as sticks, leaves, litter and lawn mower clippings among others.
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How Technology is Changing Vegetation Assessments
Vegetation assessments are carried out to guide policy on land use, bushfire management and environment conservation. The changing vegetation cover over different regions has made the assessment an expensive and involving process. Geoscience Australia places the country as the sixth largest land mass with an approximate area of 3 million square miles, a vast area to be covered by a group of scientists to map out its floral diversity.
Over the last two decades, technology has advanced at an unprecedented level.
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